Welcome to Scruffy’s Cove Oyster Farm
The Cove: Scruffy was my nickname when I was a kid. This oyster farm is called Scruffy’s Cove, but it’s not my cove…… it’s been here for thousands of years. I’m lucky to be able to be in the cove, to grow oysters, and to be part of it all for my bit of time. Hopefully you are fulfilled with your “bit of time” as well….. and maybe enjoying some oysters along the way! -Neil
The Process: This video was created by my friend/neighbor Patrick a couple of years ago when my current market size oysters were just babies. (He recently updated the video with current Maine oyster sales projections, my launching of this business………and special cameo appearances from his dog Dexter!)
The Oysters: Scruffy’s Cove Oyster Farm is located in mid-coast Maine at the nutrient rich confluence of the Sasanoa River, Sheepscott River and Atlantic Ocean. These unique oysters are grown on what is one of the few intertidal oyster farms in Maine. The intertidal zone nourishes the oysters with the twice a day rise and fall of the tides and a rotating exposure to the water, air and earth. This environment produces a very special oyster with thicker shells, deeper cups, and a fresh, great taste……. solid brine, sweet, and a touch of minerality!!
Availability: Scruffy’s Cove oysters are exclusively available during winter months through local pick-up on Westport Island. $1 per. Go to the website store , or better yet, call/text the farm at 978-771-8012 for Pick-Up only options. (Shipping avalable for merchandise.)
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